Chasing dreams

Top 10 Inspiring Female Motivational Speakers to Motivate You

You know those days when you just need a spark to get you going? When you’re feeling down and could use some inspiration? Well, some of the most motivational speakers out there today are women who can pump you up and get your energy flowing in no time. These ladies have overcome their challenges and now want to share their wisdom to uplift others. In this article, we’re highlighting ten of the absolute best female motivational speakers that will make you want to get up and cheer. From entrepreneurs to athletes and authors, these powerful women have stories and advice that will speak right to your soul. Their words will make you feel like you can take on the world. Get ready to get inspired as we introduce you to ten incredible women who are masters at motivation. After reading this, you’ll be ready to tackle any obstacle in your path. These ladies don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk, and they’ll have you walking taller in no time.

Why We Need More Female Voices in the Motivational Speaking Industry

The motivational speaking industry has been dominated by male voices for far too long. While there are some well-known female motivational speakers, women are still underrepresented. This is a problem because female speakers can provide a unique perspective that resonates with many in the audience.

Role Models for Young Women

Seeing more women as motivational speakers provides role models for young girls and women in the audience. When a woman shares her story of overcoming obstacles to achieve her dreams, it shows other women what is possible for them. Young women need exposure to successful women from all walks of life to help them envision the potential in their futures.

Different Life Experiences

Women have different life experiences that shape their messages compared to most male speakers. Speaking about issues like work-life balance, relationship challenges, parenting struggles, or health issues like breast cancer, women can connect with the audience in a way that is relatable and inspiring.

Fresh, Nuanced Perspectives

Women often have a different way of looking at the world which leads to fresh perspectives. They may focus more on community, relationships, and collaboration. While motivational messages about individual success and determination are important, women speakers can provide balance by emphasizing the importance of support systems and working together.

Inspiration for Change

Some of the most powerful motivational speeches of all time have been about empowering women and enacting change. Speeches from activists like Malala Yousafzai and Emma Gonzalez have inspired audiences and started important conversations. We need to hear more voices like these to motivate change on issues like equal pay, healthcare, education, and ending violence against women.

In summary, the motivational speaking industry would benefit greatly from incorporating more female voices. Women have unique life experiences, perspectives, and the power to inspire as role models. Achieving a better balance of gender representation will lead to a broader range of impactful messages. The voices of women deserve to be heard.

Our Top 10 Most Inspiring Female Motivational Speakers

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah is one of the most famous female motivational speakers and media personalities in the world. Through her talk show and company, she has inspired millions of people around the globe. Her message of empowerment, living your best life, and overcoming adversity has resonated with so many. If you need motivation to follow your dreams, overcome obstacles, or become your best self, Oprah is the perfect inspiration.

Mel Robbins

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Mel Robbins is a powerhouse motivational speaker. Her straightforward, no-nonsense approach will light a fire under you and push you out of your comfort zone. She encourages people to stop overthinking, stop making excuses, and take action. Her 5-second rule –if you have an impulse to act on a goal, count down 5-4-3-2-1 and physically move–is a simple strategy that can help you achieve more in life. If you need motivation to stop doubting yourself and go after what you want, follow Mel Robbins.

Amy Cuddy

Amy Cuddy researches how body language shapes who we are. She’s best known for her 2012 TED talk discussing how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when you don’t feel confident — can affect your confidence levels. Amy Cuddy inspires people to become self-assured leaders. Her message is that how you carry yourself physically shapes how you feel about yourself mentally and emotionally. If you need motivation to build your confidence from the inside out, Amy Cuddy has wisdom and advice to offer.

Iyanla Vanzant

Famous as an American TV character and top-rated creator, Iyanla Vanzant presents an unmistakable perspective formed by her battles and triumphs. From getting through a difficult youth of surrender, misuse, and the difficulties of neediness to exploring the intricacies of single parenthood, Vanzant’s initial valuable encounters permit her to talk profoundly on the subjects of mending and self-improvement.

Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins is known for her digital recording, web-based entertainment presence, and as the top-rated creator of The 5 Second Rule. In this book, she shares the strong understanding that following up on an imaginative thought in no less than 5 seconds is the way to persuade yourself and begin. She contends that everything necessary is 5 seconds to work yourself out of a thought to remain in your usual range of familiarity.

Valorie Burton

Valorie Burton is a holistic mentor and organizer behind the Instructing and Positive Brain Research Foundation. She is the writer of a few books, including the top-rated Effective Ladies Think Unexpectedly.

Valorie Burton is one of the most amazing female featured subject matter experts who convey studios and workshops at meetings, corporate occasions, and different occasions. She shares commonsense methodologies and bits of knowledge to assist people and associations with defeating difficulties and accomplishing objectives.

Robyn Benincasa

The Robyn Benincasa is a prestigious powerful orator and elite experience racer. Robyn has contended in probably the hardest perseverance races all over the planet.

As a powerful orator and initiative master, she draws on her encounters as an undertaking racer to convey dynamic and rousing introductions on themes like administration, cooperation, flexibility, and max execution.

Bonita Norris

Bonita Norris is an English mountain dweller, swashbuckler, and creator who is known for being the most youthful English lady to arrive at the highest point of Mount Everest at 22 years old from May 2010 until May 2012.

Norris shares her excursion of beating difficulties, laying out aggressive objectives, and accomplishing unprecedented accomplishments. Her messages motivate crowds to seek after their fantasies earnestly and with strength.

Katie Ledecky

With 7 gold decorations (at the hour of me composing this!), Katie Ledecky is broadly viewed as perhaps one of the best swimmers and Olympic competitors ever. A new alumni of Stanford College, Katie is likewise known for her disposition and approach toward defining and pursuing major objectives.

 Terri Trespicio

Terri Trespicio is a top female featured expert known for her drawing in and clever introductions. She conveys chats on private marking, imagination, business ventures, and tracking down reason and enthusiasm in work.

Key Takeaways From These Powerful Women’s Stories and Speeches

Follow Your Passion

All of these women followed their passions and dreams despite facing immense obstacles and criticisms. Oprah Winfrey was told she was “unfit for television.” Yet she persevered and built an empire out of following her passion for empowering people through media. The key is to believe in yourself and pursue your purpose.

Turn Your Pain into Power

Many of these women have faced immense hardships, trauma, and struggles. Yet they were able to use those painful experiences to fuel their motivation to help others. Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, was shot by the Taliban for promoting education for girls. She used that traumatic event to raise global awareness about the importance of education and women’s rights.

Speak Your Truth

These motivational speakers are inspiring because they share the truth of their experiences. They are open, vulnerable, and authentic. Brené Brown, a research professor, has inspired millions by openly speaking about vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. Her 2010 TED talk is one of the most watched of all time. Speaking your truth, however imperfect, can inspire and empower others.

Help and Empower Other Women

A key theme across these motivational speakers is a desire to lift other women. They are focused on empowering women through education, inspiration, and action. As Melinda Gates said, “When we empower women, we empower communities and nations.” These leaders are living proof of the power of women supporting each other.

The stories and speeches of these ten motivational speakers can inspire you to follow your dreams, turn your pain into power, speak your truth, and empower other women along the way. Their words of wisdom can motivate you to step into your power and make a difference in the world.

How These Speakers Can Help Motivate and Empower You

They Share Inspiring Stories of Overcoming Adversity

These motivational speakers have faced immense hardships and obstacles in their lives but persevered against all odds. Hearing their stories of resilience in the face of challenges can inspire you to push through your difficulties and never give up on your dreams. For example, Mel Robbins overcame alcoholism, trauma, and financial troubles before becoming a life coach. Lisa Nichols grew up in poverty but turned her life around and became a millionaire through hard work and determination. Their stories prove that you can achieve amazing things if you believe in yourself.

They Offer Practical Advice and Strategies

These speakers don’t just deliver inspiring platitudes – they provide concrete strategies and tools you can apply to improve your life. For example, Amy Cuddy teaches powerful body language techniques to become more confident, while Brene Brown provides useful insights on overcoming shame and vulnerability. Mel Robbins is known for her “5 Second Rule” method to push past self-doubt and take action. The practical wisdom these speakers share can help motivate and empower you to make real changes.

They Encourage an Empowered Mindset

A key message these speakers promote is developing an empowered and abundant mindset. They teach that you have within you the power to shape your destiny and achieve your dreams. As Lisa Nichols says,

“The truth is, you already have everything within you right now to create any reality you desire.”

Brene Brown talks about embracing your imperfections and living wholeheartedly. An empowered mindset of self-belief and resilience is the foundation for overcoming obstacles and achieving your full potential. Let these powerful speakers inspire your motivation and empower you with the mindset you need to succeed.

The stories, advice, and empowering messages from these top female motivational speakers can inspire and equip you with the tools for success. Let them motivate you to believe in yourself, push past your limits, and never stop chasing your dreams. Their wisdom and experience prove that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things.

Frequently Asked Questions About Booking These Speakers for Your Next Event

How much do female motivational speakers charge?

Fees for top female motivational speakers can vary greatly depending on the speaker’s experience, credentials, and popularity. In general, you can expect to pay between $5,000 to $30,000 or more for a single speaking engagement. Some of the most well-known speakers, like Brene Brown or Melinda Gates, are on the higher end of that range. For many event organizers, the speaker fee is a substantial part of the total event budget, so you’ll want to make sure any speaker you hire will provide real value to your audience.

How far in advance should I book a speaker?

It’s best to start the booking process six to twelve months ahead of your event date. The further out you can book, the more likely you are to get your top choice of speaker. Popular speakers’ calendars fill up quickly, sometimes years in advance. Booking early also gives you more flexibility in case your first choice isn’t available. And of course, it gives you plenty of time to promote the event to attendees.

What else do I need to budget for?

In addition to the speaker fee, you’ll need to budget for travel and accommodation expenses for the speaker and any assistants. You may also need to provide ground transportation, meals, and any technical equipment required for their presentation. Don’t forget additional event costs like venue rental, catering, promotion, and staffing. As a rule of thumb, the total event budget is usually three to five times the speaker fee alone.

How can I find reviews and ratings of different speakers?

The best way to evaluate motivational speakers is to check reviews from past clients and event organizers. Most speakers will provide reviews and testimonials on their official website. You can also search online for “[speaker name] reviews” to find ratings on sites like Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Look for speakers with mostly positive reviews mentioning things like actionable content, emotional connection, humor, and inspiration. Speaking fees and experience are important, but a speaker’s ability to truly impact an audience is the most critical factor.

Who Are Your Favorite Female Motivational Speakers?

Some of the most inspiring motivational speakers today are women. They share stories of overcoming adversity with humor, passion, and wisdom. A few of my favorites are:

Oprah Winfrey is a cultural icon who has inspired millions through her talk show and books. Her rags-to-riches story demonstrates that determination and belief in yourself can help you achieve your dreams. She promotes living your best life and being your authentic self.

Brene Brown is a researcher and storyteller who has revolutionized how we think about vulnerability, courage, and self-compassion. Her TED talks and books like Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection teach us to embrace our imperfections and live wholeheartedly. Her message of embracing vulnerability to find courage, creativity, and connection resonates with so many.

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist known for her research on power posing and imposter syndrome. Her TED talk is one of the most viewed of all time. She teaches how adopting confident body language can help overcome self-doubt and make you feel more powerful. Her insights on imposter syndrome help us recognize those feelings are normal and give us strategies to overcome them.

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai is a courageous advocate for girls’ education, especially in Pakistan and Afghanistan. She survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban at 15 years old. Her perseverance and passion for learning inspire us all to stand up for what we believe in. She is the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate, demonstrating that youth can create positive change in the world.

These women, through their speeches, stories, and books, motivate us to believe in ourselves, embrace our imperfections, find courage and purpose, and create positive change. Their words of wisdom and inspiration lift us and give us strength. I’m grateful for the motivation and life lessons these powerful women share with the world.


That wraps up our list of 10 of the best female motivational speakers who can inspire and motivate you to reach your full potential. From scientists to athletes to authors, their incredible stories and words of wisdom show that no matter where you come from or what obstacles you face, you have the power to achieve your dreams. As you go after your goals, remember to stay positive, believe in yourself, and never give up. Surround yourself with people who lift you. Take risks, get out of your comfort zone, and know that the only limits on your success are the ones you place on yourself. Now get out there and make it happen!

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