
What Foods Help Prevent Breast Cancer or Reduce Your Risk?

DNA harm and hereditary changes might cause breast cancer. Acquiring changes in specific qualities, like BRCA1 and BRCA2, can in like manner increment your risk, as can obesityTrusted Source.

Foods that may lower breast cancer risk

1. Leafy green vegetables

2. Cruciferous vegetables

3. Allium vegetables

an assortment of onions, shallots, and heads of garlic against a gray background

4. Citrus fruits

5. Berries

nine cartons of fresh strawberries

6. Peaches, apples, pears, and grapes

7. Greasy fish

8. Matured food sources

Matured food sources like yogurt, kimchi, miso, and sauerkraut contain probiotics and different supplements that might shield Believed Source against breast cancer. A 2015 writing survey of 27 examinations connected the utilization of dairy items, including matured dairy items like yogurt, to a reduced risk of breast cancer in both Western and Asian populations.

9. Beans

three bowls filled with either uncooked black beans, uncooked cranberry beans, or uncooked chickpeas

10. Herbs and spices

11. Whole grains

12. Pecans

Foods and beverages to limit or avoid

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